Slides in *pptx and pdf to download:
- Invited talk at 3D Humans Workshop at CVPR'19 (extended version).Learning 3D Digital Humans from Images, Videos and Scans.pptxpdf
CVPR 2019, Long Beach, June 2019
- Webinar tutorial describing the mathematical ingredients to learn and capture humans from data. Long talk (1:30h) On How to Capture and Learn Digital Human Models. The *pptx contains notes and is more complete.pptxpdfRecorded talk.
- Neural Body Fitting: Unifying Deep Learning and Model-Based Human Pose and Shape Estimationpptxpdf
3DV 2018, Verona, August 2018 (given by M. Omran)
- Invited talk at Fashion for AI KDD'18. How 3D digital humans can help fashion.pptx
KDD 2018, London, August 2018
- Invited talk at 3D Humans Workshop at CVPR'18. From pixels to 3D human pose, shape and clothing.pptx
CVPR 2018, Salt Lake City, June 2018
- Disney Research. Virtual Humans — From appearance to behaviour.
March 2022
- Microsoft Research, MR Research Talk. Real Virtual Humans.
February 2022
- Amazon Visual Science for Fashion Forum. Digital humans in clothing — from statistical meshes to neural implicit surfaces.
January 2022
- NVIDIA GTC21. Generalized Neural Implicits, and Humans Interacting in the 3D World.
November 2021
- 3DGV Talk. Generalized Neural Implicits, and Humans Interacting in the 3D World.
September 2021
- NeurIPS Workshop. 3D+Texture Garment Reconstruction.
Vancouver, Canada, December 2020
- TUM AI Lecture Series. Shape Representations: Parametric Meshes vs Implicit Functions.
September 2020
- Amazon Research Workshop. 3D Human Reconstruction from Images.
Virtual workshop, 2020
- ICCV Workshop. AI for Art, Fashion and Design.
Seoul, Korea, 2019
- GCPR . German Pattern Recognition Award talk.
Dortmund, Germany, 2019
- ACMCV Keynote Talk.
Barcelona, Spain, 2019
- Peking University, Learning 3D Digital Humans from Images, Videos and Scans.
Beijing, China, July 2019.
- Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computing Technology. Learning 3D Digital Humans from Images, Videos and Scans.
Beijing, China, July 2019.
- Summer Camp, Chinese Academy of Sciences for Software. Research at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics.
Beijing, China, July 2019.
- Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA). Learning 3D Digital Humans from Images, Videos and Scans.
Beijing, China, July 2019.
- Tsinghua University. Learning 3D Digital Humans from Images, Videos and Scans.
Beijing, China, July 2019.
- ETH Zurich. Inisde and Outside the Scanner Room: On How to Capture and Model People from Data.
Zürich, June 2019.
- Google Zürich. Inisde and Outside the Scanner Room: On How to Capture and Model People from Data.
Zürich, June 2019.
- CVPR'19 workshop, 3D Humans. 3D Humans in the Wild, but with Clothes.
Zürich, June 2019.
- Emmy Noether group talk at: GIBU 2019: GI-Beirat der Universitätsprofessoren. Real Virtual Humans.
Dagstuhl Schloss, March 2019.
- INRIA Grenoble. Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Grenoble, March 2019.
- Dagstuhl Seminar: 3D Morphable Models Dagstuhl Seminar. Inisde and Outside the Scanner Room: On How to Capture and Model People from Data.
Dagstuhl Schloss.
- Talk at Seminar: The overview workshop organized by Andrew Fitzgibbon.Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Kleine Scheidegg
- Webinar tutorial. Graphics and Mixed Environment Seminar. On how to capture and learn digital human models. Link
- Invited talk at VR days 2018. Keynote: Capturing and Learning Digital Humans. Link
Amsterdam 2018
- Invited talk at AI for fashion. How 3D digital humans can help fashion.
KDD 2018, London, August 2018
- Invited talk at 3D Humans Workshop at CVPR'18. From pixels to 3D human pose, shape and clothing.
CVPR 2018, Salt Lake City, June 2018
- Google Research. Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Host: Jonathan Taylor. San Francisco, CA, June 2018.
- Stanford University.
Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Host: Jui-Hsien Wang and Michael Zollhoefer. Palo Alto, CA, June 2018.
- CMU. Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Host: Yaser Sheikh. Pittsburg, June 2018.
- Facebook AI Research.
Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Hosts: Iasonas Kokkinos. Paris, May 2018
- Saarland Campus Lecture Series.
Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Host: Christian Theobalt. May 2018.
- Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSR). Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Host: Federica Bogo and Jamie Shotton. Cambridge, April 2018
- University of Surrey. Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Host: Adrian Hilton. Guilford, April 2018.
- University College London (UCL). Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Host: Lourdes Agapito and Gabriel Browstow. London, April 2018.
- EPFL, Lausanne. Capturing and Learning Digital Humans.
Host: Mark Pauly. Lausanne, March 2018.
- DFKI, Kaiserslautern. Reconstructing and Perceiving Humans in Motion.
Host: Kiran Varanasi. February 2018
- INRIA, Grenoble.
Reconstructing and Perceiving Humans in Motion.
Host: Edmond Boyer, Grenoble, December 2017.
Max Planck for Intelligent Systems.
Reconstructing and Perceiving Humans in Motion.
Tuebingen, December 2017
ClothCap: Seamless 4D Clothing Capture and Retargeting.
Los Angeles, August 2017
- CVPR 2017.
Detailed, Accurate, Human Shape Estimation from Clothed 3D Scan Sequences.
Honolulu, Hawai, July 2017
Research Summer School of CLS ETH-MPI Center for Learning Systems.
Modelling Human Bodies in Motion.
Zurich, July 201
- Keynote speaker at the
3rd Workshop on virtual social interaction, Bielefeld.
Real Virtual Humans: Models of Soft-tissue and Clothing
July 2017
- Technical University in Braunschweig.
Real Virtual Humans: Models of Soft-tissue and Clothing.
Host: Marcus Magnor. July 2017.
Max Planck Institute for Informatik.
Real Virtual Humans: Models of Soft-tissue and Clothing.
Host: Christian Theobalt. Saarbruecken, July 2017
ETH, Zurich.
Real Virtual Humans: Models of Soft-tissue and Clothing.
Host: Thabo Beeler and Olga Sorkine. Zurich, June 2017.
- University of Freiburg.
Real Virtual Humans: Models of Soft-tissue and Clothing.
Host: Thomas Brox. Freiburg 2016
University of Wuerzburg.
Real Virtual Humans: Models of Soft-tissue and Clothing.
Host: Erik Latoschik. Wuerzburg 2016.
- University of Hannover.
Real Virtual Humans: Models of Soft-tissue and Clothing.
Host: Bodo Rosenhahn. Hannover 2016.
SIGGRAPH'16 tutorial.
Vertex Based Models:Modelling Human Bodies.
Los Angeles, August 2016
- ICCV'15 tutorial.
Vertex Based Models: Modelling Human Bodies.
Santiago de Chile 2015
Dyna: A Model of Dynamic Human Shape in Motion.
Los Angeles, August 2015.
- University de Barcelona (UB). Modeling Humans in Motion: Capture and Animation.
Barcelona, 2015
(IRI,UPC and CSIC). Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial.
Modeling Humans in Motion: Capture and Animation.
Host: Franscesc Moreno Noguer. Barcelona 2015.
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).
Modeling Humans in Motion: Capture and Animation.
Host: Josep Ramon Casas. Barcelona 2015.
Invited talk at YXLON.
Human Pose Estimation from Video and IMUs.
Hamburg 2013.
Max Placnk Institute for Intelligent Systems.
Human Pose Estimation from Video and IMUs.
Tuebingen 2013.
Microsoft Research Cambridge.
Beyond the Vitruvian Manifold.
Cambridge 2012
Visual Annalysis of Humans at ICCV 2011 (invited talk)
Generative Pose Tracking.
Barcelona, Spain 2011.
Efficient and Robust Shape Matching for Model Based Human Motion Capture.
Frankfurt, 2011.
15th Workshop "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision", IBFI Schloss Dagstuhl.
Outdoor Human Motion Capture with Data-Driven Manifold Sampling
Germany, 2011.
Current trends in Human Pose Estimation.
Hirschegg, Austria 2011.
An Introduction to Gaussian Processes
Anual group meeting, Germany 2011.
Max-Planck Institute for Informatik, MPI,
Multisensor-Fusion for 3D Full-Body Human Motion Capture
Saarbruecken 2010.
ETH, Zurich.
Multisensor-Fusion for 3D Full-Body Human Motion Capture.
Switzerland, Zurich 2010.
Multisensor-Fusion for 3D Full-Body Human Motion Capture.
Hirschegg, Austria 2010
Max-Planck Institute for Informatik (MPI).
Germany 2010 (one week visit)
World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Munich (Germany)
4D Cardiac Segmentation of the Epicardium and Left Ventricle.
Munic, September 2009.