University Lectures:
- Summer term 2024: Info2(Lecture), University of Tuebingen
- Summer term 2024: Software Engineering-Team Project, University of Tuebingen
- Winter term 2023/24: Virtual Humans(Lecture), University of Tuebingen
- Winter term 2023/24: Human Motion Synthesis(Seminar), University of Tuebingen
- Summer term 2023: Info2(Lecture), University of Tuebingen
- Summer term 2023: Software Engineering-Team Project, University of Tuebingen
- Winter term 2022/23: Virtual Humans(Lecture), University of Tuebingen
- Winter term 2022/23: Human Motion Synthesis(Seminar), University of Tuebingen
- Winter term 2022/23: Software Engineering-Team Project, University of Tuebingen
- Summer term 2022: Deep Learning for Vision and Graphics(Seminar), University of Tuebingen
- Summer term 2022: Software Engineering-Team Project, University of Tuebingen
- Winter term 2021: Mathematics for Machine Learning (Course), University of Tuebingen
- Summer term 2021: Deep Learning for Vision and Graphics(Seminar), University of Tuebingen
- Winter term 2018: Probabilistic Graphical Models and their Applications (jointly with Paul Swoboda)
- Winter term 2018: Machine Learning (jointly with Bernt Schiele and Paul Swoboda).
- Winter term 2017: Probabilistic Graphical Models and their Applications (jointly with Bernt Schiele)
- Summer term 2016: Computer Vision SS16, University of Tuebingen (jointly with Andreas Geiger and Javier Romero)
Summer Schools and Conference Tutorials:
- Lecturer at the Pre-doc summer school at Center for Learning Systems (MPI-ETH). Open to Master and recently graduated students.
- Tutorial at Siggraph 2016 on how to build a digital human--Modelling Human Bodies.
- Tutorial at ICCV 2015 on how to build a digital human--Modelling Human Bodies.
- Slides of ICCV 2011 tutorial Looking at People : Generative Human Pose Estimation
- Book Chapter: Model-based human pose estimation.