Source code for blendify.scene

import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
from contextlib import nullcontext
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Sequence

import bpy
import numpy as np

os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"] = "1"
import cv2

from .cameras import PerspectiveCamera, OrthographicCamera
from .cameras.base import Camera
from .internal import Singleton
from import catch_stdout
from .internal.types import Vector2d, Vector2di, Vector3d, Vector4d, RotationParams
from .internal import parser
from .lights import LightsCollection
from .renderables import RenderablesCollection

[docs] class Scene(metaclass=Singleton): def __init__(self): # Initialise Blender scene self.renderables = RenderablesCollection() self.lights = LightsCollection() self._camera = None self._reset_scene() @staticmethod def _set_default_blender_parameters(): # Setup scene parameters scene =[0] scene.use_nodes = True = False bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES' bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = 'RGBA' bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG' bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.quality = 100 = (0, 0, 0) bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = True bpy.context.scene.cycles.filter_width = 0 # turn off anti-aliasing # Important if you want to get a pure color background (eg. white background) bpy.context.scene.view_settings.view_transform = 'Standard' bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 128 # Default value, can be changed in .render bpy.context.scene.frame_current = 0 @staticmethod def _remove_all_objects(): """Removes all objects from the scene. Previously used to remove the default cube""" bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False) bpy.ops.outliner.orphans_purge() bpy.ops.outliner.orphans_purge() bpy.ops.outliner.orphans_purge() @staticmethod def _load_empty_scene(): """Resets the scene to the empty state""" bpy.ops.wm.read_homefile(use_empty=True) bpy.ops.outliner.orphans_purge() def _reset_scene(self): """Resets the scene to the empty state""" with catch_stdout(): self._load_empty_scene() scene =[0] ="BlendifyWorld") self._frame_number = 0 self._set_default_blender_parameters() self.renderables._reset() self.lights._reset() self._camera = None
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the scene""" self._reset_scene()
@property def camera(self) -> Camera: return self._camera
[docs] def set_perspective_camera( self, resolution: Vector2di, focal_dist: float = None, fov_x: float = None, fov_y: float = None, center: Vector2d = None, near: float = 0.1, far: float = 100., tag: str = 'camera', rotation_mode: str = "quaternionWXYZ", rotation: RotationParams = None, translation: Vector3d = (0, 0, 0), resolution_percentage: int = 100 ) -> PerspectiveCamera: """Set perspective camera in the scene. Replaces the previous scene camera, if it exists. One of focal_dist, fov_x or fov_y is required to set the camera parameters Args: resolution (Vector2di): (w, h), the resolution of the resulting image focal_dist (float, optional): Perspective Camera focal distance in millimeters (default: None) fov_x (float, optional): Camera lens horizontal field of view (default: None) fov_y (float, optional): Camera lens vertical field of view (default: None) center (Vector2d, optional): (x, y), horizontal and vertical shifts of the Camera (default: None) near (float, optional): Camera near clipping distance (default: 0.1) far (float, optional): Camera far clipping distance (default: 100) tag (str): name of the created object in Blender rotation_mode (str): type of rotation representation. Can be one of the following: - "quaternionWXYZ" - WXYZ quaternion - "quaternionXYZW" - XYZW quaternion - "rotvec" - axis-angle representation of rotation - "rotmat" - 3x3 rotation matrix - "euler<mode>" - Euler angles with the specified order of rotation, e.g. XYZ, xyz, ZXZ, etc. Refer to scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler for details. - "look_at" - look at rotation, the rotation is defined by the point to look at and, optional, the rotation around the forward direction vector (a single float value in tuple or list) rotation (RotationParams): rotation parameters according to the rotation_mode - for "quaternionWXYZ" and "quaternionXYZW" - Vec4d - for "rotvec" - Vec3d - for "rotmat" - Mat3x3 - for "euler<mode>" - Vec3d - for "look_at" - Vec3d, Positionable or Tuple[Vec3d/Positionable, float], where float is the rotation around the forward direction vector in degrees translation (Vector3d, optional): translation applied to the Blender object (default: (0,0,0)) resolution_percentage (int, optional): Returns: PerspectiveCamera: created camera """ camera = PerspectiveCamera(resolution=resolution, focal_dist=focal_dist, fov_x=fov_x, fov_y=fov_y, center=center, near=near, far=far, tag=tag, rotation_mode=rotation_mode, rotation=rotation, translation=translation) self._setup_camera(camera, resolution_percentage) return camera
[docs] def set_orthographic_camera( self, resolution: Vector2di, ortho_scale: float = 1., near: float = 0.1, far: float = 100., tag: str = 'camera', rotation_mode: str = "quaternionWXYZ", rotation: RotationParams = None, translation: Vector3d = (0, 0, 0), resolution_percentage: int = 100 ) -> OrthographicCamera: """Set orthographic camera in the scene. Replaces the previous scene camera, if it exists Args: resolution (Vector2di): (w, h), the resolution of the resulting image ortho_scale (float, optional): Orthographic Camera scale (similar to zoom) (default: 1.0) near (float, optional): Camera near clipping distance (default: 0.1) far (float, optional): Camera far clipping distance (default: 100) tag (str): name of the created object in Blender rotation_mode (str): type of rotation representation. Can be one of the following: - "quaternionWXYZ" - WXYZ quaternion - "quaternionXYZW" - XYZW quaternion - "rotvec" - axis-angle representation of rotation - "rotmat" - 3x3 rotation matrix - "euler<mode>" - Euler angles with the specified order of rotation, e.g. XYZ, xyz, ZXZ, etc. Refer to scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler for details. - "look_at" - look at rotation, the rotation is defined by the point to look at and, optional, the rotation around the forward direction vector (a single float value in tuple or list) rotation (RotationParams): rotation parameters according to the rotation_mode - for "quaternionWXYZ" and "quaternionXYZW" - Vec4d - for "rotvec" - Vec3d - for "rotmat" - Mat3x3 - for "euler<mode>" - Vec3d - for "look_at" - Vec3d, Positionable or Tuple[Vec3d/Positionable, float], where float is the rotation around the forward direction vector in degrees translation (Vector3d, optional): translation applied to the Blender object (default: (0,0,0)) resolution_percentage (int, optional): Returns: OrthographicCamera: created camera """ camera = OrthographicCamera(resolution=resolution, ortho_scale=ortho_scale, far=far, near=near, tag=tag, rotation_mode=rotation_mode, rotation=rotation, translation=translation) self._setup_camera(camera, resolution_percentage) return camera
def _setup_camera(self, camera: Camera, resolution_percentage: int = 100): # Delete old camera if self._camera is not None: self._camera._blender_remove_object() # Set new camera self._camera = camera scene =[0] scene.render.resolution_x = camera.resolution[0] scene.render.resolution_y = camera.resolution[1] scene.render.resolution_percentage = resolution_percentage
[docs] @staticmethod def read_exr_distmap(path: str, dist_thresh: float = 1e4) -> np.ndarray: """Reads the distance map stored in EXR format, filters out all the values after a certain distance threshold. Requires OpenEXR to be installed in the system Args: path (str): path to the .exr file dist_thresh (float): distance clip threshold Returns: np.ndarray: distance map in numpy array format """ data = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)[:, :, 0] data[data > dist_thresh] = -np.inf return data
[docs] @staticmethod def read_image(path: str) -> np.ndarray: """Reads the image stored in PNG or JPG format Args: path (str): path to the image file Returns: np.ndarray: image in numpy array format """ return cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED), cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGBA)
[docs] def render( self, filepath: Union[str, Path] = None, use_gpu: bool = True, samples: int = 128, save_depth: bool = False, save_albedo: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, use_denoiser: bool = False, aa_filter_width: float = 1.5 ): """Start the Blender rendering process Automatically detects if shadow catcher objects are present in the scene by checking is_shadow_catcher property of Blender objects. For rendering with shadow catchers background is made white, because since Blender 3.0 shadow catcher rendering pass is made to be multiplied with the background. Args: filepath (Union[str, Path]): path to the image (PNG) to render to, returns the image as numpy array if None use_gpu (bool): whether to render on GPU or not samples (bool): number of raytracing samples per pixel save_depth (bool): whether to save the depth in the separate file. If yes, the numpy array <filepath>.depth.npy will be created if filepath is set, otherwise appends the array to the output. save_albedo (bool): whether to save albedo (raw color information) in the separate file. If yes, the PNG image <filepath>.albedo.png with color information will be created if filepath is set, otherwise appends the array to the output. verbose (bool): whether to allow blender to log its status to stdout during rendering use_denoiser (bool): use openimage denoiser to denoise the result aa_filter_width (float): width of the anti-aliasing filter, set 0 to turn off """ if is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't render without a camera") # setup anti-aliasing aa_filter_width = max(0, aa_filter_width) bpy.context.scene.cycles.filter_width = aa_filter_width bpy.context.scene.cycles.pixel_filter_type = 'BLACKMAN_HARRIS' if save_depth and aa_filter_width != 0: warnings.warn("Anti-aliasing filter is enabled. Saved depth will not be exact.") render_to_ram = filepath is None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() if render_to_ram else nullcontext() as tmpdir: if render_to_ram: basepath = tmpdir filename = 'result.png' filepath = Path(tmpdir) / filename else: filepath = Path(filepath) basepath = str(filepath.parent.absolute()) filename = filepath.stem scene =[0] scene.render.resolution_x =[0] scene.render.resolution_y =[1] scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100 scene.render.filepath = str(basepath) = # = object # input("Scene has been built. Press any key to start rendering") # Setup denoising if use_denoiser: bpy.context.scene.cycles.use_denoising = True bpy.context.scene.cycles.denoiser = 'OPENIMAGEDENOISE' bpy.context.scene.view_layers[0].cycles.use_denoising = True bpy.context.view_layer.cycles.denoising_store_passes = True else: bpy.context.scene.cycles.use_denoising = False bpy.context.scene.view_layers[0].cycles.use_denoising = False bpy.context.view_layer.cycles.denoising_store_passes = False # Configure output bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = samples bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].use_pass_combined = True bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].use_pass_diffuse_color = True bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].use_pass_z = True scene_node_tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree for n in scene_node_tree.nodes: scene_node_tree.nodes.remove(n) render_layer ="CompositorNodeRLayers") # check if we have shadow catchers use_shadow_catcher = False for obj in if obj.type != "LIGHT" and obj.is_shadow_catcher: use_shadow_catcher = True break # create output node if use_shadow_catcher: bpy.context.view_layer.cycles.use_pass_shadow_catcher = True alpha_over ="CompositorNodeAlphaOver")['Shadow Catcher'], alpha_over.inputs[1])['Image'], alpha_over.inputs[2]) output_image ="CompositorNodeOutputFile")['Image'], output_image.inputs['Image']) else: bpy.context.view_layer.cycles.use_pass_shadow_catcher = False output_image ="CompositorNodeOutputFile")['Image'], output_image.inputs['Image']) if save_depth: output_depth ="CompositorNodeOutputFile") output_depth.format.file_format = "OPEN_EXR"['Depth'], output_depth.inputs['Image']) if save_albedo: output_albedo ="CompositorNodeOutputFile")['DiffCol'], output_albedo.inputs['Image']) if use_gpu: bpy.context.scene.cycles.device = 'GPU' for scene in scene.cycles.device = 'GPU' # Detect the appropriate GPU rendering mode rendering_mode_priority_list = ['OPTIX', 'HIP', 'ONEAPI', 'CUDA'] rendering_preferences = bpy.context.preferences.addons['cycles'].preferences rendering_preferences.refresh_devices() devices = rendering_preferences.devices available_rendering_modes = set() for dev in devices: available_rendering_modes.add(dev.type) chosen_rendering_mode = "NONE" for mode in rendering_mode_priority_list: if mode in available_rendering_modes: chosen_rendering_mode = mode break # Set GPU rendering mode to detected one rendering_preferences.compute_device_type = chosen_rendering_mode # Optionally, list the devices before rendering # for dev in devices: # print(f"ID:{} Name:{} Type:{dev.type} Use:{dev.use}") # Render bpy.context.scene.frame_current = self._frame_number temp_filesuffix = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) temp_filepath = str(filepath) + "." + temp_filesuffix render_suffixes = [f".color.######.png"] if save_depth: render_suffixes.append(f".depth.######.exr") if save_albedo: render_suffixes.append(f".albedo.######.png") while self.check_any_exists(temp_filepath, render_suffixes): temp_filesuffix = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) temp_filepath = str(filepath) + "." + temp_filesuffix temp_filename = os.path.basename(temp_filepath) output_image.base_path = basepath output_image.file_slots[0].path = temp_filename + ".color." if save_depth: output_depth.file_slots[0].path = temp_filename + ".depth." if save_albedo: output_albedo.file_slots[0].path = temp_filename + ".albedo." with catch_stdout(skip=verbose): bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=False) if render_to_ram: image_data = self.read_image(temp_filepath + f".color.{self._frame_number:04d}.png") outputs = [image_data] if save_depth: distmap = self.read_exr_distmap(temp_filepath + f".depth.{self._frame_number:04d}.exr", * 1.1) depthmap = outputs.append(depthmap) if save_albedo: albedomap = self.read_image(temp_filepath + f".albedo.{self._frame_number:04d}.png") outputs.append(albedomap) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] else: return outputs else: shutil.move(temp_filepath + f".color.{self._frame_number:04d}.png", filepath) output_image.file_slots[0].path = filename if save_depth: distmap = self.read_exr_distmap(temp_filepath + f".depth.{self._frame_number:04d}.exr", * 1.1) depthmap =[0] + ".depth.npy", depthmap) os.remove(temp_filepath + f".depth.{self._frame_number:04d}.exr") output_depth.file_slots[0].path = filename + ".depth." if save_albedo: shutil.move(temp_filepath + f".albedo.{self._frame_number:04d}.png", os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + ".albedo.png") output_albedo.file_slots[0].path = filename + ".albedo."
[docs] def preview(self, filepath: Union[str, Path] = None, save_depth: bool = False, save_albedo: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, fast: bool = False): """Renders a scene using Blender's OpenGL renderer. Linux and MacOS Only. Args: filepath (Union[str, Path]): path to the image (PNG) to render to, returns the image as numpy array if None use_gpu (bool): whether to render on GPU or not samples (bool): number of raytracing samples per pixel save_depth (bool): whether to save the depth in the separate file. If yes, the numpy array <filepath>.depth.npy will be created if filepath is set, otherwise appends the array to the output. save_albedo (bool): whether to save albedo (raw color information) in the separate file. If yes, the PNG image <filepath>.albedo.png with color information will be created if filepath is set, otherwise appends the array to the output. verbose (bool): whether to allow blender to log its status to stdout during rendering use_denoiser (bool): use openimage denoiser to denoise the result fast (bool): whether to use fast and colorless preview mode (workbench engine) """ assert sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('darwin'), "Preview is only supported on Linux and MacOS" # Switch to OpenGL renderer if not fast: bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_EEVEE' else: bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_WORKBENCH' if is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't render without a camera") render_to_ram = filepath is None with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() if render_to_ram else nullcontext() as tmpdir: if render_to_ram: basepath = tmpdir filename = 'result.png' filepath = Path(tmpdir) / filename else: filepath = Path(filepath) basepath = str(filepath.parent.absolute()) filename = filepath.stem scene =[0] scene.render.resolution_x =[0] scene.render.resolution_y =[1] scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100 scene.render.filepath = str(filepath.parent) = # = object # input("Scene has been built. Press any key to start rendering") bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].use_pass_combined = True bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].use_pass_diffuse_color = True bpy.context.scene.view_layers['ViewLayer'].use_pass_z = True scene_node_tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree for n in scene_node_tree.nodes: scene_node_tree.nodes.remove(n) render_layer ="CompositorNodeRLayers") output_image ="CompositorNodeOutputFile")['Image'], output_image.inputs['Image']) if save_depth: output_depth ="CompositorNodeOutputFile") output_depth.format.file_format = "OPEN_EXR"['Depth'], output_depth.inputs['Image']) if save_albedo: output_albedo ="CompositorNodeOutputFile")['DiffCol'], output_albedo.inputs['Image']) # Render bpy.context.scene.frame_current = self._frame_number temp_filesuffix = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) temp_filepath = str(filepath) + "." + temp_filesuffix render_suffixes = [f".color.{self._frame_number:04d}.png"] if save_depth: render_suffixes.append(f".depth.{self._frame_number:04d}.exr") if save_albedo: render_suffixes.append(f".albedo.{self._frame_number:04d}.png") while self.check_any_exists(temp_filepath, render_suffixes): temp_filesuffix = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) temp_filepath = str(filepath) + "." + temp_filesuffix temp_filename = os.path.basename(temp_filepath) output_image.base_path = basepath output_image.file_slots[0].path = temp_filename + ".color." if save_depth: output_depth.file_slots[0].path = temp_filename + ".depth." if save_albedo: output_albedo.file_slots[0].path = temp_filename + ".albedo." with catch_stdout(skip=verbose): bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=False) if render_to_ram: image_data = self.read_image(temp_filepath + f".color.{self._frame_number:04d}.png") outputs = [image_data] if save_depth: distmap = self.read_exr_distmap(temp_filepath + f".depth.{self._frame_number:04d}.exr", * 1.1) depthmap = outputs.append(depthmap) if save_albedo: albedomap = self.read_image(temp_filepath + f".albedo.{self._frame_number:04d}.png") outputs.append(albedomap) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] else: return outputs else: shutil.move(temp_filepath + f".color.{self._frame_number:04d}.png", filepath) output_image.file_slots[0].path = filename if save_depth: distmap = self.read_exr_distmap(temp_filepath + f".depth.{self._frame_number:04d}.exr", * 1.1) depthmap =[0] + ".depth.npy", depthmap) os.remove(temp_filepath + f".depth.{self._frame_number:04d}.exr") output_depth.file_slots[0].path = filename + ".depth." if save_albedo: shutil.move(temp_filepath + f".albedo.{self._frame_number:04d}.png", os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + ".albedo.png") output_albedo.file_slots[0].path = filename + ".albedo." # Return to Cycles renderer bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
[docs] @staticmethod def check_any_exists(fileprefix: str, filesuffixes: Sequence[str]) -> bool: """Check if any of the combinations of <fileprefix>+<any filesuffix> exist in the filesystem Args: fileprefix (str): single file prefix, can the full path or local name filesuffixes (Sequence[str]): a sequence of file suffixes to choose from Returns: bool: True is any of the combinations exists in the filesystem, False otherwise """ for filesuffix in filesuffixes: fullpath = fileprefix + filesuffix if os.path.exists(fullpath): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def export(path: Union[str, Path], include_file_textures: bool = True, verbose: bool = False): """Export the current scene to the .blend file Args: path (Union[str, Path]): path to the target .blend file include_file_textures (bool): whether to write textures loaded from external files inside .blend file verbose (bool): whether to allow blender to log its status to stdout during exporting """ # hack to overcome Blender error message "BKE_bpath_relative_convert: basedir='', this is a bug" path = str(os.path.abspath(path)) # Create folder Path(path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with catch_stdout(skip=verbose): if include_file_textures: bpy.ops.file.pack_all() bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=path)
[docs] def attach_blend(self, path: Union[str, Path], with_camera: bool = False): """Append objects and materials from the existing .blend file to the scene. The only two modalities that can be added to blendify Scene are lights and optionally camera, others (renderable objects, materials, etc.) are only appended. The appended modalities will only be present in the internal Blender structures, but will not be added to the blendify Scene class structure. However, they will appear on rendering and in the exported .blend files Args: path: path to the .blend file to append the contents from with_camera: parse camera parameters from the .blend file or keep existing camera """ main_scene_name =[0] materials = [] with (, link=False) as (data_from, data_to)): for name in data_from.materials: materials.append({'name': name}) if with_camera: # Check number of cameras by looking at cameras settings assert len(data_from.cameras) == 1, \ f"Expect to have only single camera in .blend, got {len(data_from.cameras)}" # Parse resolution parameters from scene assert len(data_from.scenes) == 1, \ f"Expect to have only single scene in .blend, got {len(data_from.scenes)}" data_to.scenes = data_from.scenes if with_camera: # Parse resolution res_x = data_to.scenes[0].render.resolution_x res_y = data_to.scenes[0].render.resolution_y resolution_percentage = data_to.scenes[0].render.resolution_percentage resolution = np.array([res_x, res_y]) # Delete old camera if self._camera is not None: self._camera._blender_remove_object() else: # Remove camera from the imported scene camera_obj = data_to.scenes[0].camera with bpy.context.temp_override(selected_objects=[camera_obj]): bpy.ops.object.delete() # Add materials to the current scene if len(materials) > 0: bpy.ops.wm.append(directory=str(path) + "/Material/", files=materials, link=True) # Recursively copy collection main_scene =[main_scene_name] import_scene = data_to.scenes[0] parser.move_collection(main_scene.collection, import_scene.collection) # Remove scene, do_unlink=True) # Parse selected objects (lights and camera) bpy.context.view_layer.update() for obj in if with_camera and obj.type == "CAMERA": camera_type, camera_dict = parser.parse_camera_from_blendfile(obj, resolution) # Remove current camera, because we need to recreate it[0]) if camera_type == "ORTHO": self.set_orthographic_camera( resolution_percentage=resolution_percentage, **camera_dict ) elif camera_type == "PERSP": self.set_perspective_camera( resolution_percentage=resolution_percentage, **camera_dict ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported camera type {camera_type}") elif obj.type == "LIGHT": light_type, light_dict = parser.parse_light_from_blendfile(obj) # Remove light before re-creaing it with bpy.context.temp_override(selected_objects=[obj]): bpy.ops.object.delete() if light_type == "POINT": self.lights.add_point(**light_dict) elif light_type == "SUN": self.lights.add_sun(**light_dict) elif light_type == "SPOT": self.lights.add_spot(**light_dict) elif light_type == "AREA": self.lights.add_area(**light_dict) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported light type {light_type}")