Feature walkthrough

This page will guide you through some of the main features of Blendify through rendering a donut mesh in multiple configurations. The code is also available as an ipython notebook on Google Colab.

0. Imports and mesh loading

We will start by importing the necessary modules and the code to load the donut mesh. The mesh is stored in a zip file. Inside there are three separate objects: donut_base, donut_icing, and donut_sprinkles. Each object defines the corresponding part of the geometry. We will load each of them and obtain the vertices and faces of the joint mesh, as well as UV map and face indices for each of the object to allow per-part material definition. One more information we will get is the number of vertices for each object to allow recovering of the original parts.

# system libraries needed to load the compressed mesh
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import trimesh

from blendify import scene
from blendify.colors import UniformColors, VertexUV, FileTextureColors, VertexColors
from blendify.materials import PrincipledBSDFMaterial, MetalMaterial, \ 
    PlasticMaterial, PrincipledBSDFWireframeMaterial

%matplotlib inline

def load_donut_mesh(path_to_zip: str):
    donut_file = BytesIO(ZipFile(path_to_zip).read("donut.obj"))
    mesh = trimesh.load(donut_file, "obj", process=False)
    # Create accumulated mesh
    offset_v, offset_f = 0, 0
    vertices, faces, uv_map, faces_material = [], [], [], []
    vertices_count = {}
    for obj_ind, obj_key in enumerate(["donut_base", "donut_icing", "donut_sprinkles"]):
        # Select object from the TriMesh scene
        obj_vertices, obj_faces = mesh.geometry[obj_key].vertices, mesh.geometry[obj_key].faces
        vertices_count[obj_key] = len(obj_vertices)
        # Accumulate vertices and faces
        faces.append(np.asarray(obj_faces) + offset_v)
        # Accumulate face indexes for per-face materials
        faces_material.append(np.full(len(obj_faces), fill_value=obj_ind, dtype=int))
        # Accumulate UV map
        visual_kind = mesh.geometry[obj_key].visual.kind
        if visual_kind is not None and visual_kind == "texture":
            uv_map.append(np.zeros((len(obj_vertices), 2), dtype=np.float32))
        # Accumulate offsets for vertices and faces
        offset_v += len(obj_vertices)
        offset_f += len(obj_faces)
    vertices = np.concatenate(vertices)
    faces = np.concatenate(faces)
    faces_material = np.concatenate(faces_material)
    uv_map = np.concatenate(uv_map)

    return vertices, faces, uv_map, faces_material, vertices_count
vertices, faces, uv_map, faces_material, vertices_count = load_donut_mesh("examples/assets/donut.obj.zip")

1. Adding mesh to the scene

The following code adds the donut mesh to the scene. Each of the parts gets a separate material and color. To define the assignment of materials we use faces_material array that stores indices of the material for each face.

# Create per-part materials and colors
# Base and Icing have uniform colors
material_base = PrincipledBSDFMaterial(roughness=0.4, clearcoat_roughness=0.03)
material_icing = PrincipledBSDFMaterial(roughness=0.545, clearcoat=0.1, clearcoat_roughness=0.03)
colors_base = UniformColors((0.7, 0.4, 0.1))
colors_icing = UniformColors((0.9, 0.58, 0.72))
# Sprinkles have texture colors to allow per-sprinkle coloring
material_sprinkles = PrincipledBSDFMaterial(roughness=0.894, clearcoat_roughness=0.03)
vertex_uv_map = VertexUV(uv_map)
colors_sprinkles = FileTextureColors("../assets/donut_sprinkles.png", vertex_uv_map)
# Add mesh to the scene
donut_mesh = scene.renderables.add_mesh(
    vertices, faces,
    material=[material_base, material_icing, material_sprinkles],
    colors=[colors_base, colors_icing, colors_sprinkles]

2. Setting camera and lights

The following code sets the camera and lights for the scene. The camera is set to a perspective camera and rotated to a pre-defined value. Then, three point lights are added to the scene with different positions.

# Set camera
    (800, 800), fov_x=np.deg2rad(20.8),
    translation=(0, -0.56, 0.43),
    rotation=(0.889, 0.458, 0, 0),
# Set lights
lights = [scene.lights.add_point(strength=25, shadow_soft_size=0.1, translation=(-0.3, 1.0, 0.7)),
          scene.lights.add_point(strength=25, shadow_soft_size=0.1, translation=(1.1, 0.13, 0.6)),
          scene.lights.add_point(strength=25, shadow_soft_size=0.1, translation=(-0.1, -1.1, 1.2))]

3. Rendering

The following code renders the scene and displays the result.

image = scene.render(use_gpu=True, samples=128)
_ = plt.imshow(image)
rendered donut

4. Depth map rendering

Setting the save_depth flag to True will additionally render the depth map of the scene.

image, depth = scene.render(use_gpu=True, samples=128, save_depth=True,)
# Filter infinite values
finite_depth = depth[np.isfinite(depth)]
# Normalize depth values
depth = (depth-np.min(finite_depth))/(np.max(finite_depth)-np.min(finite_depth))
# Convert to desired coolormap
depth = (mpl.colormaps['viridis'](depth)*255).astype(np.uint8)
_ = plt.imshow(depth)
rendered depth map

5. Albedo rendering

Setting the save_albedo flag to True will additionally render the albedo map of the scene.

image, albedo = scene.render(use_gpu=True, samples=128, save_albedo=True)
_ = plt.imshow(albedo)
rendered albedo

6. Rendering with various materials

Next, we will render the donut with different materials and colors. Concretely we will use

  • PrincipledBSDFWireframeMaterial that renders a wireframe on top of the mesh;

  • PlasticMaterial that simulates a plastic surface;

  • MetalMaterial that simulates a metal surface.

# Remove old mesh
# Create list of materials and colors to iterate over
material_iterator = [
        wireframe_color=(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0), wireframe_thickness=0.001
color_iterator = [
    UniformColors((0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3)), 
    UniformColors((1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 1.0)), 
    UniformColors((1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0))
# Create subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5))
# Render iteratively
donut_mesh = None
for index, (color, material) in enumerate(zip(color_iterator, material_iterator)):
    if donut_mesh is None:
        donut_mesh = scene.renderables.add_mesh(
            vertices, faces, material=material, colors=color
    image = scene.render(use_gpu=True, samples=128)
3 rendered exampels with various materials

7. Point cloud rendering

The following code renders the donut as a point cloud. We use only the vertices of the mesh to create the point cloud. We also use vertices_count to recover the original parts of the donut and color the base and the icing differently.

# Remove old mesh
# Create colors for the point cloud
point_colors = np.ones((len(vertices), 4))
point_colors[:vertices_count["donut_base"]] = np.array([0.8, 0.5, 0.1, 0.4])
point_colors[vertices_count["donut_base"]:] = np.array([1.0, 0.7, 0.8, 0.6])
color = VertexColors(point_colors)
# Use only points from the mesh to create the point cloud 
donut_pc = scene.renderables.add_pointcloud(
    vertices, colors=color, material=material_base, 
    point_size=0.001, base_primitive="cube", particle_emission_strength=0.1
# Render
image = scene.render(use_gpu=True, samples=128)
_ = plt.imshow(image)
rendered point cloud

8. Rendering with altered lighting

In the last example we will alter the lighting of the scene. We will replace the point lights with area lights.

# Remove old pc and lights from the scene
for light in lights:
# Add donut mesh
donut_mesh = scene.renderables.add_mesh(
    vertices, faces,
    material=[material_base, material_icing, material_sprinkles],
    colors=[colors_base, colors_icing, colors_sprinkles]
# Set the new lights
    "circle", size=0.5, strength=25, color = (0.9, 0.4, 0.8),
    translation=donut_mesh.translation - np.array([0, 0, 0.3]), 
    rotation=(0, 180, 0), rotation_mode="eulerXYZ"
    "circle", size=0.5, strength=25, color=(0.9, 0.4, 0.8),
    translation=donut_mesh.translation + np.array([0, 0, 1]), 
    rotation=(0, 0, 0), rotation_mode="eulerXYZ"
# Render
image = scene.render(use_gpu=True, samples=128)
_ = plt.imshow(image)
rendered donut with altered lighting