blendify.colors package#


blendify.colors.base module#

class blendify.colors.base.Colors[source]#

Bases: ABC

An abstract container template for storing the object coloring information

property metadata: ColorsMetadata#
class blendify.colors.base.ColorsMetadata(type, color, has_alpha, texture)[source]#

Bases: NamedTuple

color: Optional[Union[ndarray, Tuple[float, float, float]]]#

Alias for field number 1

has_alpha: bool#

Alias for field number 2

texture: Optional[Image]#

Alias for field number 3

type: type#

Alias for field number 0

blendify.colors.common module#

class blendify.colors.common.UniformColors(uniform_color: Union[ndarray, Tuple[float, float, float]])[source]#

Bases: Colors

A container which stores a single uniform color for the whole object

property color: ndarray#

Get current color


current color

Return type:


class blendify.colors.common.VertexColors(vertex_colors: ndarray)[source]#

Bases: Colors

A container which stores a color information for each vertex of an object (vertex colors are interpolated over the faces)

property vertex_colors: ndarray#

Get current colors


current vertex colors

Return type:


blendify.colors.texture module#

class blendify.colors.texture.FacesUV(data: ndarray)[source]#

Bases: UVMap

A container which stores a UV coordinate for every vertex in every triangle face In the form of (M,3,2) array (M faces, 3 vertices in each face, 2 UV coordinates for each vertex in triangle)

class blendify.colors.texture.FileTextureColors(texture_path: str, uv_map: UVMap)[source]#

Bases: UVColors

A container which stores path to the texture file and the corresponding UV mapping

property blender_texture: Image#

Get the current Blender texture created from the pixels array


current Blender texture

Return type:


class blendify.colors.texture.TextureColors(texture: ndarray, uv_map: UVMap)[source]#

Bases: UVColors

A container which stores texture in form of pixels array and the corresponding UV mapping

property blender_texture: Image#

Get the current Blender texture created from the pixels array


current Blender texture

Return type:


class blendify.colors.texture.UVColors(uv_map: UVMap)[source]#

Bases: Colors

An abstract container for storing color information bound to UV coordinate space

property uv_map: UVMap#

Get the stored UV map


stored UV map

Return type:


class blendify.colors.texture.UVMap(data: ndarray)[source]#

Bases: ABC

An abstract container template for storing a UV coordinate map

property data: ndarray#

Get the stored UV map data


UV map data

Return type:


class blendify.colors.texture.VertexUV(data: ndarray)[source]#

Bases: UVMap

A container which stores a UV coordinate for every vertex In the form of (N,2) array (N vertices, 2 UV coordinates for each)

Module contents#